1. Name
The Society, initially established by a Working Group on 24th June 2016 and now formalised by these Rules shall be known as Jordans Picture House also referred to from time to time as “JPH”.
2. Objects
The objects of JPH shall be:
(i) To operate as a Community Cinema within the village of Jordans in Buckinghamshire, providing cinematic entertainment and social interaction for village residents and neighbouring communities.
(ii) The Society shall be non-political, inclusive and multi-cultural.
(iii) The Society shall encourage appreciation of film as an art form and shall screen films that will appeal to a broad variety of tastes.
3. Management
(i) JPH shall be managed by a Committee of at least 5 persons and no more than 7. The Committee shall comprise a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other Officers as may be appointed from time to time.
(ii) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society normally in May each year at which the Officers shall be elected and they shall serve normally for a term of three years. Officers may stand for re-election but for no more than a total of nine consecutive years. If necessary, Officers may also be co-opted by the Committee at any time and shall then be subject to confirmation at the next AGM.
(iii) There shall be a minimum of four committee meetings per year and the quorum for these meetings shall be three Officers. In the event of a tied vote on any matter the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
(iv) The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be twenty Members (including Officers).
4. Finances
(i) The Society shall operate a Business bank account with at least two registered signatories and with online payment facilities.
(ii) The Society shall aim to cover its costs and to maintain sufficient reserves for future expenses and/or investment but shall not be a commercial profit-making concern. Any balance at the end of an accounting year shall normally be carried forward but subject to vote at an AGM donations may be made to good cause(s) of the Society’s choice.
(iii) No person may receive remuneration either directly or indirectly for their services or for anything other than legitimate expenses incurred in work for the Society. Such expenses shall be claimed in writing and shall be approved by an Officer prior to payment.
(iv) Accounts shall be prepared annually and shall be approved at an AGM.
(v) In the event of the Society being wound up any net balance shall be donated to good cause(s) at the discretion of the Committee.
5. Operations
(i) The Society shall operate for a “season” normally commencing in September or October each year and concluding in April or May the following year. Screenings will normally be held on the second Friday of each month with additional/alternative screenings at the discretion of the Committee.
(ii) In selecting the films to be shown, the Committee shall consult its Members in advance in order to ensure the broadest possible appeal. Feedback shall be sought continually and analysed and taken into consideration within the selection process.
(iii) The Society shall maintain an association with relevant organisations e.g. Cinema For All and the British Film Institute and shall follow their guidelines and best practice and shall give due recognition to these bodies in promoting its activities.
6. Membership
(i) The Society is not a members-only Club and subject to the censors’ rating of each film attendance at screenings shall be open to all persons regardless.
(ii) There shall be a form of voluntary life membership open to anyone over the age of 18 on payment of a membership fee of £10. Such fees shall be non-refundable.
(iii) The fees shall be established initially by the Committee and shall be subject to annual review by proposal at the AGM.
(iv) Membership shall entitle the holder to one vote at Annual or other General meetings and shall entitle the holder to become an Officer of the Society.
7. Alteration of Rules
No alteration of Rules shall be made except by a resolution of a majority vote of Members present at a General Meeting or by electronic vote.